
empwher is a side project of our founder Jasmine. Empwher was built off of her and her sister’s frustrations. Like many American women, and women of color, the Tudor sisters are tired of women being treated as second class citizens. We are a developed nation with a developing country's societal and economical makeup. We are saying enough. Enough to women not controlling their own bodies, not getting the education or the jobs they deserve, not getting healthcare, not being able to afford food for their children or shelter for their families.

The design, needed to be simple and direct but also be powerful and feminine (not to be confused as being mutually exclusive). We designed a logo the portrays the beauty of feminism.

Here is the mission behind their shirt designs: 

  1. We are feminists. We believe in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. (Shoutout to our girl Chimamanda Ngozi--you are a KAWEEN.)

  2. We believe Black lives matter. Yes their is inequality between the sexes, but you cannot ignore where racial lines comes into play in the societal makeup of the US. And so, we stand for organizations who support the Black community fight for their rights.

  3. We love dreamers. Again, color means something in the US and so we stand for organizations who support immigrants of color in our community fight for their rights.

  4. We support our Muslim brothers and sisters. We all deserve to be with our families, the travel ban that is currently being placed is un-American and we support out Islamic brothers and sisters in fighting for their rights.

  5. All of our shirts are made simple to be styled to fit your personal flare. Color them, cut them, bejewel them. Whatever. You are an original and we want the way you wear your empwher shirt to be as unique as you. Basically, do you girl.

  6. We aren't screaming or yelling at anyone (even though we have reason to) and so our shirts are never capitalized. We don't want anyone to attenuate our message and mission with persistent stereotypes.

  7. Our shirts are left justified and end with a period. We are telling the world a story. Will they listen?

  8. 100% of every shirt's profit is donated to causes that support our community of women.